Having just finished writing the first draft of the second installment in the Vengeful Elements Series, I was feeling pretty good about myself. The labour of love was completed, the words on paper, when a friend posed an interesting question...'What makes you write?'
It took a while to figure out the answer to that one and I'm not sure I've even figured it out properly myself yet.
So, what makes me write? It is the burning desire to get a story down on paper or is it just a case of being OCD and feeling the urge to balance out an empty space with words?
Personally, I want to entertain. I want the person reading my books to be able to set their world aside for a few hours or a few days and step into my world.
Or maybe it is that good old OCD that keeps my fingers typing and my brain making up stories - filling the white space.
So, what makes you write?